Saturday, May 13, 2006


Shangri-La Diet - Day 3

Weight: 196 lbs.
Weight Lost Since Beginning: 3 lbs.

As you see above, I have lost 3 lbs. already. But the first week it's hard to tell what it is. It says in the book that the first week it is not really fat that you are losing. The same thing usually happened on Weight Watchers, I would lose a lot the first week and then it leveled off to about 1-2 lbs. per week.

Still, I decided to reduce my sugar dose to 1 1/2 tablespoons, twice a day (it was 2 tablespoons twice a day yesterday). I will have to keep adjusting as I go along.

Last night I woke up at 2:30 am and could not get back to sleep until 4:00. (I ate some raisins and then was able to fall asleep.) I don't usually wake up in the night. I am a pretty sound sleeper. I didn't really feel hungry in the night, but I felt something weird, like an emptiness in my stomach. I think it is still hard for me to tell when I am hungry and how much to eat. I'm sure I will get better at it.

Today I was shopping and didn't get home to eat lunch until 3:00. Normally I would be terribly crabby and headachy after going without food for so long, but I was fine, just slightly hungry.

I am definitely eating a lot less and snacking less too.

I truly do miss the snacking while reading. I never realized how much the two go hand in hand for me. I will really have to work on separating the reading and the snacking. (The same goes for watching TV and snacking.)

In the past, I usually have eaten the same things every day, which the book says is bad too. It is better to vary what you eat. So today I bought some vegetables at the grocery store to eat with my Lean Cuisines at dinner. Since I live alone and don't like to cook, I usually eat a Lean Cuisine every night for dinner, followed by a lot of snacks. So now I eat the Lean Cuisines but don't do the snacks. In the future, I hope to start doing some cooking instead of eating Lean Cuisine every night. I figured cooking the vegetables is a start. Actually, the first day of the diet, I got a real craving for vegetables, so I opened a can of beets and had part of them with my Lean Cuisine.